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Is This Just Another Career Analysis Program?

NO!  InnerSight is really all about you.  Most importantly it helps you identify your personal interests and preferences and then helps you identify  occupations in which people like you are most satisfied.  Our clients tell us what we do is upside down and backwards from traditional career identification and analysis programs.  It starts with you!  Here is how our clients describe the difference.

The practicality! I have taken several “personality” tests over my career,(ie. Meyers, Briggs etc.) but with InnerSight I actually walked away with a practical plan that will definitely enhance my job/career search.” Jay Davis

Unlike the other test similar to InnerSight this really showed my interest.” Shakiea Fludd

Not your average career analysis.” Spartanburg Participant

Do Participants Recommend the Experience to Others?

Yes!  InnerSight participants often comment that they should have had the Experience earlier or they know someone who needs it right now.  In fact, our participants make the strongest recommendations for InnerSight to their family and friends.

I would recommend that everyone that is thinking about school and future careers try something like this to make sure it’s what they want to do.” Crystal Moss

I advise any and everyone to go through with this program.” Crystal Walker

I’m glad I came and I recommend this to every one of all ages.” Cayla Radford

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Very interesting, helpful. Thank you for this opportunity and experience. All high school students should be required to go through this session.” Natalya Suprunchik

This is a nice and fun program and I’ll refer it to people and the schools.” Tevin Booker

I enjoyed this experience and would recommend this to everyone.” Jaymyne McDowell

I would recommend InnerSight to everyone” Spartanburg Participant

This experience helped me a lot. I would recommend this to all high school students and college students. It’s a great experience.” Zaqauya Dawkins

This course/class needs to be given to all High School Students.” Gaffney Participant

Does the InnerSight Experience Meet Participant Expectations?

Participants say the Experience goes beyond what they expected.  Some think it is about getting test results only to learn it is not a test but a powerful learning experience. They are surprised by how much they learn about themselves and how who they are impacts everything they do, including their educational, career and life choices.  We really prefer to let them speak for themselves.

I actually learned a lot from this program” Spartanburg Participant

It’s a powerful and helpful program.” Joshua Hightower

I didn’t really know what to expect and the experience was an educational one.” Gaffney Participant

What Do Participants Like Best about the Experience?

Lots of things! From the accuracy of the results and quality of the materials to depth of personal confirmation participants say that InnerSight has helped them know who they really are –and knowing who you are is the first step in knowing where you are going.

I liked seeing how accurate the results were” Gaffney Participant

The positive, encouraging attitudes of the two men presenting the program, and the informative Guide Book.” Gaffney Participant

Went further in depth with interpretation than others I have been through” Gaffney Participant

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How the book explained to me and told me more about myself.” Tevin Booker

I liked the opportunity to confirm things I knew and the revelation of things I didn’t know.” Lisa Samopaio

The fact that InnerSight actually put my likes and dislikes together to pinpoint who I am and what I would actually enjoy doing.” Crstal Moss

Thank God he opened a door so that I learned the type of person I am and what kind of jobs would suit me.” Gaffney Participant

That it let me realize a lot of things about myself.” Veleka Dawkins

I liked that it gave me information that I didn’t realize about myself.” John Prince

The interaction between the participants and the presenters.” Union participant

That it showed me my stronger points” Jerrel Gregory

How helpful this was to reaffirm who I am.” Joseph Garner

I Like that the information they received about me and that I gave actually will help me determine what I want to do with my life.” Gaffney Participant

That I gained Knowledge about myself.” Gaffney Participant

I enjoyed the information given in a light hearted attitude.” Leslie Lowe

The people made you feel comfortable.” Mr. Jolley

The way they explained everything to understand better.” Kayla Hughey

I enjoyed the fact of confirming some things I already knew, and opening my eyes to others that I didn’t.” Crstal Walker

My booklet” Colby Hawkins

How not boring the guys were.” Ashley Landrum

The instructors were great. I’ll be sure to pass on what I have learned.” Jeree Ferguson

The fact that both instructors were very helpful.” K. Basin

The way they went through and explained every little detail.” Autumn Carpenter

I like how it broke all my skills down to me.” Patrick Butler

That everybody got a turn to say what they wanted to hear.” Le Asia Mack-Gray

I loved the presentation. I learned a lot and enjoyed the whole presentation.” Jasmine Hudson

I enjoyed the interaction with both presenters and other participants. The discussions helped bring insight about my career path in addition to the booklet.” Spartanburg Participant

The positive energy filled presentation. Hard to change anything.” S. Marian

Learning about myself.” David McMillan

Learning about my interests and the vocabulary to express it.” Jeff Spires

I really enjoyed everything about this learning experience and the material we received. Thank you!!” Sandra Bragg

That it confirmed what I thought about myself.” Union Participant

That I found out who I am.” Quentino

Finding out what careers best fit me.” Jennifer Leblanc

It’s accuracy.” R. Russell II

That we learned about ourselves.” Demon Guyto

How I learned more about myself and career goals, and they had a sense of humor with their teachings.” Kenaisha Callins

I like that it helped me a lot to find out my interests.” Marlene Gallegos

I like people taking the time out and preparing me for the future.” Antonio Littlejohn

Really showed me a lot about myself and what I would like to do.” Natalya Suprunchik

It made me see more career paths that were suitable for me.” Feliscia Davis

I liked the examples and the interaction during the session” Gaffney Participant

I like hearing about the personal experiences of the presenters. The inventory results and interpretations in terms of mob skills, traits, etc.” Gaffney Participant

Interaction between everyone involved” Gaffney Participant

Meeting the people and not feeling alone” Gaffney Participant

The confirmation of some things I already knew about myself, but also learning other things that applied to me as well.” Gaffney Participant

Leaning more about myself and what I would possibly like doing.” Gaffney Participant

I was very impressed with the entire process. I look forward to reading and studying my booklet!” Spartanburg Participant

How accurate the information was” Union Participant

Being informal.” Charles Woods

The overall presentations and the examples as well as the personalities and guidance given by the instructors made this an effective class” Spartanburg Participant

It was open for discussion.” Charles Allen

I like the fact the experience showed my strength and weakness.” Spartanburg Participant

The knowledge of the presenters, their ability to convey the information.” Elizabeth Welsh

Does the Experience Tell You What You Should Do?

No! The Experience is all about you.  In the proprietary interpretative Experience, participants discover the interests and preferences that influence their personal decisions.  Participants develop a vocabulary about themselves in the context of their interests and framed in real-world occupations.   Participants easily see what educational, career, or personal choices they can make in order to do what they most prefer.  Some realize things they have never thought about.

 I’ve never even thought about being a florist until today.” Margie Ledford

I learned and confirmed things about myself. Didn’t think I was good at enterprising until it broke down for me.” Jeree Ferguson

The Insight Guide for me gave me more about me and what I need to focus on.” Gaffney Participant

I learned how to manage myself in looking for work that suited my ability.” Spartanburg Participant

What Do You Gain from the Experience?

You decide!  The Experience is so personal that everyone receives something different.  For some, it is confirming.  For others, it opens their eyes to more possibilities or brings focus to their many options.  Many just like finding a vocabulary that describes them.  Participants seem to like learning they can put themselves in the processes of life and in fact it is up to them.  It is best to just hear it from them.

It let me know or confirmed to me that what I would like to do is correct.” Gaffney Participant

It got me thinking about areas that could interest me that I haven’t considered before.” Gaffney Participant

I was given much more than I expected to receive, this program is a plus. This program enhanced my inner strength more and gave me confirmations on my clerical career.” Gaffney Participant

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I have more options available than I realized. It confirmed that I’m doing what I love –working with people” Spartanburg Participant

Narrowing down career choices made sense to me.” Gaffney Participant

I found out I do have lots of interest that I could try.” Kendaisha Wilson

This session was very helpful in trying to find out who I am.” Kendaisha Wilson

It was very helpful to me in deciding what to go to school for.” Lauren Simmons

Vocabulary that describes me.” Union Participant

Getting Confirmation.” Spartanburg Participant

Vocabulary to express who I am.” Meg Quinn

Work preference is totally up to you.” Gaffney Participant

New Outlook” Spartanburg Participant

I was able to get useful info. to help narrow down what I need to do.” Angie Painter

I learned about myself and what I can do.” Michael Baker

When you enjoy what you do, it’s no longer a job, it’s just paid time enjoying yourself.” Rakeia Valentine

Just learning a lot more about myself and leaning that there is more out there that I can do in life.” Raven Davis

It taught me a lot about myself. That underneath I kinda knew but needed to realize” Cayla Radford

Found out what my interest and values are.” Jurel Edwards

I helped me define who I am better.” Twana Waddell

The program helped me very much, helped me learn how to be respectful to others and learn my interests.” Brittany Daver

The in-depth information about other career fields.” Dwieha Butler

Thanks for making a difference in my life.” Rodriquiez Crawford

I was able to affirm my goal’s and work experience” Gaffney Participant

I have enjoyed the class and will definitely use it to better my job or jobs and in building my resume” Gaffney Participant

The outlook of discovering things about myself that I had doubts about.” Loretta Warr

It was very eye opening future wise.” Spartanburg Participant

That I found new jobs that I didn’t know about and that I was interested in.” Andrea Carter

Finding out people like me have jobs and it would be good for me to look into.” Travis Jeter

Made you think about yourself and career paths.” Union Participant

There are more opportunities than I realized.” Gaffney Participant

Learning that I had other interest and to not pursue something that I have no interest in.” Sonja Chiles

I learned something’s about myself that I didn’t know.” Will Frye

It helped me understand what I like to do” Gaffney Participant

It taught me some things about myself.” Union Participant

I am going to take this knowledge and run with it.” Jerrell Greogory

It opened up a little more about me I never really knew.” Gaffney Participant

I learned things that I didn’t know about myself.” Spartanburg Participant

Well it is hard to say because I loved all of it. It made more sense than any teacher that gave a speech.” Bradley Murphy

What Are the Experience Guides Like?

Professional!  Participants from different groups and of all ages consistently give the Certified InnerSight Guides high marks on their session evaluations.  Knowledgeable, patient, extraordinary, funny, sensible and engaging are just a few words that have been used to describe the InnerSight Experience Guides. These professionals create a family environment which allows the group dynamic to flourish.

The presenters were enthusiastic and professional.” Union Participant

The instructors presented the material very clear so all could understand.” Spartanburg Participant

They were very knowledgeable & taught in a way that helped me to see that I really do have something to offer….. I thought I had no interests in particular– but found out I do.” Patsy Jackson

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The instruction was clear and wonderful instructors.” Keith Bennet

The presenters were great and very motivating.” Union Participant

The presenters were enthusiastic and I enjoyed learning about me.” Tiffany Thompson

The presenters love what they do. They got me excited to do the same.” Matthew Ledford

The two men today were great, not just as people, but at what they do.” Ms. Foster

Our instructors were very professional and assisted us in every way as we went through our material (They have been where we are).” Gaffney Participant

The presenters were very personal and sociable. They were able to present the information to me on my level.” Virgiua Bridges

The excitement that the leaders had—they were both entertaining and informative.” Spartanburg Participant

The enthusiasm of the presenters kept me engaged. Though this was a group debrief, I still felt the personal aspects” Spartanburg Participant

They explained everything so well.” Dianne Aldrigde

The teachers were cool and did a good job.” Rajhun Mayerr

The teachers explained everything in an understandable way.” Lariks Holme

They were exceptional, skilled trainers. They kept everything light and very understandable.” Gaffney Participant

What is the InSight Guide Booklet Like?

A personal booklet all about you.  Your personalized InSight Guide booklet contains the results of your inventory in three distinctive reports.  It has Insight and Next Step pages to facilitate your journey and space where you create those special “My Pages” on which you synthesize your findings in the Experience.   Participants have told us the following about the booklet.

My InnerSight booklet made sense and sounded like me.” Shaquita Elmore

It was understandable.” Brandon Gray

It gave me a variety of other career choices that interest me.” Jasmine Dover

My inventory results made sense and sounded like me.” Mark Velez

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It told me what areas I might focus on.” Gaffney Participant

The details in the Insight Guide Booklet” Gaffney Participant

It helped me understand myself better.” Gaffney Participant

What Is The Experience Like

Informative and fun! The Experience is a three-hour interpretative session most often held for groups of 15 to 25. Participants report they have fun learning about themselves and gain valuable information in the process. Because participants bring different personal questions, needs, and experiences to the interpretative session, each participant’s impressions of what the Experience is like are naturally different. Most agree that it is fun and informative, and some would even say they would like to do it again.

This was a great experience for me.” Spartanburg Participant

Most definitely worth my time and I appreciate the time you guys spent.”  Gaffney Participant

This experience has been eye opening in learning the different talents I have and where I can use them.”–Gaffney Participant

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It was fun”   Gaffney Participant

It was informative and fun.”   Jennifer

It was educational and helped a lot.” Tahlea Gaines

Great class” Spartanburg Participant

The atmosphere was very comfortable.” Bernice Murphy

This was a great and fun time. I have a lot to think about.” Spartanburg Participant

Entertaining.” Spartanburg Participant

Had a lot of fun.”   Mark Kay

Great experience and very informative.”   Robin Vauldnson

All students going to college should have this experience.” Rosalind Jefferies

Very thorough.” Steve Lowe

It wasn’t boring, it was interesting.”   Virginia Rice

I completely enjoyed the experience and I was happy because I found out a lot.” Daniezya Harris

That this class is fun and I would come back.” Raven Davis

It was great.”   Anthony Littlejohn

I had a great time today! It was very helpful to me.”   Mahogany Alexander

The experience was very helpful and easy to relate to life.”   Michael Cross

Presenters were Very Courteous – Knowledgeable.” John Prince